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Everything posted by mdovey

  1. How do you prevent the Identical Audit check including entries which have been archived? thanks, Matthew
  2. PackageFlight is a Microsoft Store API to allow developers to send out beta updates\new feature updates\previews etc. to selected users without interfering with other existing users of the App. It is not dissimilar to the "beta versions are available" toggle in Android play apart from the end user can't toggle it, just the developer\supplier. So most of the criticisms are really criticisms of how Microsoft have implemented this feature in Store. Matthew
  3. I've had trouble getting the new firefox extension working, and have narrowed the problem down to a problem with Sophos. Whilst there is a workaround of adding to the web filtering exceptions this is only applicable to Sophos Home, and isn't available to those who have Sophos centrally managed by their IT department. The firefox extension for Enpass 5.6.9 worked fine on the same set-up so the problem appears to be related to some change made to how extensions work in Enpass 6. Matthew
  4. I get this same error, However, I am using the plugin
  5. It doesn't work under Windows either (tried both Chrome and Firefox). Matthew
  6. I can't get the browser extension to work. Basically I get the "Looking for Enpass App…", message followed by "Enpass Assistant is unable to connect with the Enpass app" I'm running the traditional Windows desktop enpass application 6.0.0 (198), Firefox 63.0.3 with Enpass plugin, Chrome 70.0.3538.110 with Enpass plugin "Enable Browser Extensions" is checked is Enpass settings. I've tried with both "Authorize Browsers with Verified Code Signatures Only" checked and Unchecked. Other problems: Enpass 5 allowed you to reconfigure the Icon in the Notification area from a dark icon to a light icon. I can't find this setting in Enpass 6. Finally, is it possible to purchase te Premium Features (e.g. Custom templates) for the traditional Windows app? Matthew
  7. thanks, I'll look forward to the next update. Matthew
  8. Interesting, some of us Windows users think that the UI imports too much from the mobile versions, and hence doesn't fit well with Windows UI idioms, expectations or usability (e.g. slideout panels from than popup dialogs for editing, and I still can't get used to when to go for the horizontal line menu versus the cog menu...) Matthew
  9. I'm having the same problem with version (Traditional Windows), under Windows 10. It was working last week, however this morning it just displays a blank window as per Martin's screenshot. I've uninstalled, deleted the various "Sinew Software Systems Pvt Ltd" folders in appdata, and reinstalled - but that hasn't solved the problem. Matthew
  10. I'm trying to sync vaults a Seafile server via webdav. This works fine in Enpass 5, but seems broken in Enpass 6 Beta. When attempted to sync for the first time, I get error code 908500. This seems to be a problem when it creates the Enpass6-Beta subdirectory. I can work around this step, by manually creating the Enpass6-Beta directory on the server, in which case the initial sync seems to work (and a file vault.enpassdbsync gets created under Enpass6-Beta). However, subsequent attempts to sync fail with error code 0. I have replicated this in both the latest Windows desktop client, and Android client.
  11. User Interface issues: the new user interface is counter-intuitive compared to Windows desktop norms, for example - having to go to the far right of the screen for the menu which would normally be on the left; Save being at the top of edit panels rather than at the bottom; close being the top left of the panel rather than the top right, etc. Also on large screens it is quite a hassle when clicking on the plus to create a new entry (which is on the left hand side of the screen) for the edit panel to pop out on the far right of the screen. It is also confusing when you need to use the main menu (horizontal line icon) versus the settings menu (cog icon) - e.g. why is create a newVault under the settings menu (cog) rather than the main menu (horizontal lines) Identical password list picks up archive entries: The list of accounts with identical passwords picks up passwords from Archived items although the Archived items are not displayed. To duplicate, in an empty vault create two items - the first with Username Test1 and Password password, and the second with Username Test2 and Password password. Select Test2 and move to the Archive. If you select Identical in the Audit list in the left panel, one account Test1 is listed (because it shares a password with the unlisted Test2 account in Archive). Identical password audit no longer grouped by password - the ability to see which accounts share a password is useful but has been removed in Enpass 6. No longer possible to search by password - if, for example, you know a particular password has been compromised in Enpass 5 you could search using the password and see a list of all items with that password. In Enpass 6 it appears that the password is no longer indexed Password history is lost when moving an item between vaults. In an empty vault, create a new item (Username Test1, Password password1). Edit and change the Password to password2. If you right click on the Password field you get "History" in the menu through which you can view the original password (password1). Move the item to a different vault. Now right clicking on the password field in the Item in the new vault no longer displays history. When are we likely to see a new build of the desktop (e.g. with webdav support). thanks, Matthew
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