@Vinod Kumar
"Enpass not syncing correctly because 2 sync files now being used after v6 update on iOS device, cannot update Linux 32 bit machine as no update appears to be available"
Hi, I have problem with my sync to Dropbox folder Apps/Enpass. The problem appears to be that the new v6 Enpass update on iOS has generated a new sync file in my Dropbox.
In my online cloud Dropbox folder Apps/Enpass, there's now 2 files, the older one called "sync.default.walletx" which still works with my Linux desktop application ( 32bit Linux Mint 18.3 v5.6.9) when I edit/add/delete password and was working correctly last week when I used my iOS v5.6.1. After updating my 32bit iPhone 5 (10.3) with latest version Enpass V6.0.0, a new sync file has appeared called "vault.enpassdbsync", this new file is being updated when I add/edit/delete passwords but as you can guess does not sync to my Linux machine for obvious reasons.
Please note, that on my 32 bit Linux Mint 18.3 Syliva machine, I pull the latest update via the Sinew Repository deb http: //repo.sinew.in/ stable main and I still cannot get update.
I just noticed that Enpass are not doing a 32 bit version for Linux anymore, see image attached? Is this true and the decision final? Seems odd iOS 32bit iPhone support is kept and not Linux 32 bit? Maybe this is the issue with syncing problems by other users?