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  1. Hello, after updating my mac with High Sierra, I am unable to sync with my Synology NAS. That´s my Settings: URL: http://ipfrommyNAS:5005/home/Enpass Username: Name Password: Password After clicking the the connect button, the System says "Connect" but it does not do anything. I have no Problems with Windows or iPhone. Thank yoi in advance!
  2. Hello, I have a problem to sync between android smartphone and my synology NAS. Datas lies on this folder home/password/enpass I´m using follow settings: URL: https://xxxxx.selfhost.eu/home/password/enpass Username: xxxxxx Password: xxxxxxxx I´m become follow error: "not able to establish a connection to this server" Can you help me please.
  3. Hello, I have the same problem with Mozilla Firefox. If you have a solution?
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