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  1. Would be very helpful to be able do disable/hide vault in vaults settings – as a quick option to hide items in listing of specific vault. Now, the only way to do it is to delete the vault
  2. Funny. Removing and installing the app fixed the problem.
  3. I have recorded the bug here: https://easyupload.io/0vyml1
  4. There is no way to sort vaults other than alphabetical. It is hard coded by now. I would love to set custom sorting and not using a workaround like adding numbers before the vaults name.
  5. Version 6.8.2 still have this bug!
  6. Cool! Thank you for informing me
  7. Thank you.
  8. I have more info into that bug – it has a pattern For 1st copy, you have to press the copy shortcut (cmd+c) exactly 3 times. For 2nd copy, you will copy the text after first shortcut. For 3rd copy, you will have to press 3 times. For 4th copy, you will have to press only one time. ...and so on... Monterey 12.3.1 Enpass 6.8.1 (Mac App Store) > Are you facing this issue on multiple devices? I can't check it, sorry.
  9. This option was removed in recent v6.8. Please restore it ASAP. cmd+c
  10. I don't know why Enpass has problems filling out first input in Santander banking platforms. When I press a shortcut it finds and filters out entry in Enpass Helper, but it doesn't fill out the input with data (only the first one). Any clues what could be a problem? Platforms are: ibiznes24.pl and www.centrum24.pl
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