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  1. Hi! Okay i have done that now. We will see if it stays logged in. Thanks a lot! Edit: Seems like that this solved my problems! Thank you very much Edit2: Nope since yesterday I got this problem again.....
  2. Dear @Garima Singh, more than one year later I am still facing the same issue.. Enpass Version is 6.7.2 (887) MacOS Version is 12.0.1 MBP 16" with M1 Pro I would really love to not reauthorize Enpass in iCloud after every startup. Thanks and BR, Tobias
  3. Dear @Garima Singh I tried but it still does not work... macOS Catalina 10.15.5 BR
  4. @Pratyush Sharma - I still have the same problem with Version 6.4.2 (669)
  5. @Pratyush Sharma Done but still the same problem... (iCloud Session Expired)
  6. Tried, but it is still not working. After reboot I get the same as @Frank S
  7. Hi! iCloud sync is not working for me too. I am using macOS Catalina 10.15.4 Enpass Version: 6.4.1 (643) I always get the error that the iCloud Session would be expired. If I sign in again it works for that session - if I reboot the mac it won't work anymore and I have to sign in again. I hope this issue gets resolved soon - with iOS I don't have these problems... BR
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