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Posts posted by mattias

  1. I got a Nextcloud server running where all of my family has access, I want to introduce Enpass to them all.
    How should go about doing this?

    I need to create an shared vault - where should I put it?
    On my enpass-user and thus on my Nexcloud share?
    Has anyone done this - and can help me?

  2. I have installed Enpass locally and I've been using it for months now and I couldn't be happier.
    I have payed the one-time fee at $39.99.

    Now I want my family to use it but when I open the app on their phones it says I have to enter a subscription.

    What gives?

  3. On 3/17/2020 at 7:30 AM, Pratyush Sharma said:

    Hi @mattias,

    Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

    The error message you are getting shows up when either the Nextcloud WebDAV interface is off(in Nextcloud's settings) or the URL you've entered in Enpass is incorrect.

    No problems any more, Nextcloud was the bad guy here. That is taken care off.

  4. @Ivarson thank you, yesterday I had some more time to test what was not working, from macOS or Win10 it was not working but from Ubuntu 19.10 it was working just fine.

    Kinda surprised I have to say, I did check the logs and saw PROFIND and GET, like this:
  - mattias [15/Mar/2020:12:26:14 +0100] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/mattias/ HTTP/1.1" 207 380 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh) mirall/2.6.1stable (build 20191105) (Nextcloud)" - mattias [15/Mar/2020:12:26:16 +0100] "GET /ocs/v2.php/core/navigation/apps?absolute=true&format=json HTTP/1.1" 200 529 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh) mirall/2.6.1stable (build 20191105) (Nextcloud)" - mattias [15/Mar/2020:12:26:19 +0100] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/mattias/ HTTP/1.1" 207 380 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh) mirall/2.6.1stable (build 20191105) (Nextcloud)" - mattias [15/Mar/2020:12:26:21 +0100] "GET /ocs/v2.php/core/navigation/apps?absolute=true&format=json HTTP/1.1" 200 529 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh) mirall/2.6.1stable (build 20191105) (Nextcloud)" - mattias [15/Mar/2020:12:26:21 +0100] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/mattias/ HTTP/1.1" 207 380 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows) mirall/2.6.4stable-Win64 (build 20200303) (Nextcloud)" - mattias [15/Mar/2020:12:26:24 +0100] "PROPFIND /remote.php/dav/files/mattias/ HTTP/1.1" 207 380 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh) mirall/2.6.1stable (build 20191105) (Nextcloud)"

    I should say that I am running Nextcloud via an Docker image, to be exact Linuxserver.io's image.

  5. No I had the url under my main vault and the sync just spun and spun and then gave an error saying that it couldn't sync.
    The "error" is then I tase the enpass sync url into a web browser.

    I tried to use another client to connect to webdav and it isn't working.

    Thanks for the link I will dig into it!

  6. Since I updated to Nextcloud 18 Enpass fails to sync, this is both on my iOS device and my desktop (Mac/Win10/Ubuntu 19.10).

    The error I get is this:
    "This is the WebDAV interface. It can only be accessed by WebDAV clients such as the Nextcloud desktop sync client."

    Feels like a config issue, something has changed on the Nextcloud side... but please help!

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