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  1. Could you please add Fennec (a Firefox fork on F-Droid) to the list of supported browsers? So that URL detection will work? I guess it should not be that difficult, as it's basically Firefox.
  2. I reset my GW4 for pairing it with my new phone. No i can no longer use / install enpass on the watch. Playstore Webpage says "it is not compatible with your device". Whats going wrong there?
  3. 1. Dont know the exact version of the windows app at this time. Guess the store updated it regulary. After the error occured, I installed the website version instead. Android version always up to date (I check for updates daily). 2. I use OneDrive for syncing. 3. All Systems get time updates from either NTP (Windows) or netprovider (Android). Please note that the reverted passwords were changed a few days ago on android before launching the PC version. 4. As stated, I already reinstalled and reconnected the desktop versions, I will continue to observe this. Error occurred at least on two windows systems.
  4. Same problem here, but I sync between android and windows pc. Only the PC versions are reverting password updates. Uninstalled the store version on the two affected systems and I now try out the "website version".
  5. I updated through the store and the new functionality appeared.
  6. Got the same problem. Almost got a heart attack - for a moment I thought I got hacked. Strangely I got two Enpass folders in the one drive app folder (Enpass and Enpass 1). I disabled sync on my pc and deleted both (after backing them up). After that it started working normally on my other devices.
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