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Found 3 results

  1. Hi, Starting from version 6.4.0, when I unlock Enpass using a PIN, I have to click on the "Unlock" button with the mouse, because the ENTER key does nothing. Of course this is just a little annoyance, not a critical bug, but can it be fixed in the next release? Thanks.
  2. There's lots of outdated links and old posts with respect to ChromeOS support, so I'm hoping that we can have an updated spot for all Enpass 6.X feature requests for ChromeOS. My wishlist is: The return of autofilling support via the new Enpass Assistant in ChromeOS Alternatively, a cleanup of the Enpass Keyboard support via the Android implementation in ChromeOS so that it actually works properly (for example, not making it take up the whole screen when you "tap to fill" and improving its access to what is on the screen) Perhaps a new software keyboard for ChromeOS (not via Android) similar to the Keepass2Android implementation. That software uses a full sized keyboard when no login has been selected, but once you select a login it shrinks to a single small row with "user" "password" etc. as buttons that can be easily pushed. Fingerprint support on the Pixel Slate and future ChromeOS devices with fingerprint scanners. Any other things coming up? I for one would love an update on whether this is in active development or just on the potential roadmap. Thanks team.
  3. I've been evaluating Enpass, and last night managed to get the Android app working via ARC on my Chromebook. It works flawlessly and syncs to my Webdav as hoped, so I also have the same password DB accessible on my Android tablet too. My purchasing question is, before I pull the trigger, if I purchase the app via In-App Purchase on my Android tablet, will the version installed (side-loaded, not directly installed from the Play Store) on my Chromebook also be recognized as the 'Pro Version' too? Note that I tried, but In-App Payments does not work from within the app installed on the Chromebook. Anyone tried this?
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