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Found 5 results

  1. Anyone else testing under iOS 16 beta and having the app freeze after login? It freezes for me once I open a password record. Trying to confirm the problem under iOS 16. Thanks.
  2. hello there. i am using enpass beta 6.0.3 (261) on a windows 7 (sp1) system. every time i use the search field, it freezes. i manage to enter a maximum of 5-6 letters before this happens. it takes about 1-2 minutes until the program is usable again and then the whole thing starts again from the beginning as soon as i enter another letter into the search field.
  3. Hi dear Enpass Users, Once I type in my master password Enpass freezes. It shows that the password was correct but it gets stuck with that unlocked interface ... If I wait, it crashes after 2-3 min. So bad, I can't access my passwords then. Yesterday I tried and it worked fine again. But today the error occured again. I really don't know what to do ... Any help is appreciated! Cheers Laura
  4. I have noticed high CPU usage by Windows 10 Enpass app after unlocking my Surface (with or without Windows Hello). It happens every time if I do following steps: Unlock the app using Windows Hello or don't cancel the little Windows Hello window Lock and unlock my Surface The app tries to unlock even though it's not in focus and doesn't stop until I close the app. This issue has a significant hit on my Surface's battery life and causes apps to freeze. I take notes in school using Microsoft OneNote and it has frozen multiple times after a while when I have forgotten Windows 10 Enpass window open and scanning in the background. Freezing has stopped every time after I have closed Enpass. Has anybody else had this problem?
  5. Hi there, I am using EnpassPortable 5.3.0 on a Windows 7 64 Bit PC. Every time i try to search for something, the whole application freezes for about 10-20 seconds. This can get quite annoying as you can imagine ;-) The system is powerful enough (Intel Core i5 3,1 GHz, 8 GB RAM) and all other apps are running fine. Any solutions/fixes? Should i provide more info? Best regards Jan
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