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Found 3 results

  1. Can someone please tell me why the 'Lock After 30 minute (or any minutes set) option' does not work in Enpass for Android on a Galaxy Tab 7 FE? I have a Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 FE and no matter what "Inactivity setting" I set it too enpass keeps locking prematurely and requiring me to login time and time and time again. This fault is never ending. I always set my devices to 30min, and that works on every other Android device i own and Windows, but no matter what I change that inactivity time setting too the enpass app continues to lock up in seconds sometimes. Its that annoying as fk as I have a huge password and no fingerprint reader. I'm literally considering swapping password manager. Any ideas?
  2. Enpass Extensions are not working. It happens in every browser. I already reported this issue in enpass support. Till now there is no reply from them. Please help me.
  3. Dear enpass team, this morning my Chrome extension of Enpass was updated automatically to 6.0 and is no longer working with traditional win32 version: Extension is showing message: If I press update button and the download page of Enapss opens: Traditional Win32 - Requires Windows 7 or later - Latest version: v5.6.9 Checking updates with desktop version, does not show any updates! !!! Now I am unable to use Enpass with Chrome !!! [EDIT 11/27/2018 - 7:22 AM] Enpass extension is no longer available in Chrome web store. Link from intalled extension ends up in 404 error: Website not found
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