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Found 5 results

  1. Hi, I would like to suggest a function that allows me to export all attachments associated with a password. Today these have to be done one at a time. Thanks
  2. Hi, I think the correct behaviour when saving attachments should be that from the 2nd attachment save onwards, the last directory location defined should be used. Today Enpass behaviour is that it defaults (resets) location every time. Thanks
  3. Enpass should not require the user to manually click on "Save" button when editing an item to save the changes. Sometimes after I've made an edit, I do something else for a while and then Enpass quickly locks itself. After unlocking Enpass I might just accidentally click on "close" on the item currently being edited and thus lose my edits. Enpass should really auto-save the item with a certain time interval, or at least maintain a reversible history. It's great to have a password history (after you actually saved the password, apparently), but if I edited something but somehow didn't manually save it, I'd be in huge troubles. This happened to me several times already. Now I'm in a situation where I have to go through the account recovery procedure at a cryptocurrency exchange since I didn't actually save my OTOP secret, and a bug in Google Authenticator (https://github.com/google/google-authenticator-android/issues/51) just made matters unsalvageable... which is not great at all.
  4. When I adjust settings on Linux (Arch Linux), settings do not persist after I close the app. How is data saved and loaded? How can I ensure that my settings persist after closing the app?
  5. Hello. I'm having an issue with one website: https://cliente.portoseguro.com.br/portaldecliente When I log in, the Chrome extension pops out asking me to save the information. Them problem is: only the password gets saved ("Digite sua senha" field). The username ("Digite seu CPF ou CNPJ", something like "Type in your SSN") do not gets saved. As far as I could investigate, this field is an <input type="tel"> and this might be the problem, but I'm not sure (neither think it's right).
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