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Found 6 results

  1. On websites like leetcode.com and repl.com that has code editors, they use the shortcut "Ctrl + /" as a way to comment or uncomment code. Therefore, when I code on these websites, the enpass pops up and it's annoying. I wish I could either disable the enpass popping up or have an ability to change the shortcut. Thanks for a great app. I love Enpass.
  2. Hi, First of all, really great app but what I think would make it really amazing is to display, on mobiles, an overlay icon on login pages. Right know when I want to log in into a website on the phone I have to go to the login page, minimize it, open Enpass, unlock it, find the corresponding item, copy the password, go back to the login page and paste the password. A looong process. It would be awesome if there would appear some kind of icon where you can easily access Enpass item from within the browser on phone. Avast password has this functionality if you want some inspiration :p best regards, A happy customer
  3. Hello, After upgrading to enpass v6 (which looks very nice btw ), the shortcut ctrl + / does not work anymore. I installed the newest extension for firefox and everything works fine when I press the enpass icon in the toolbar of firefox, but when I try to autofill using the ctrl + / nothing happens. What can I try to solve this problem? Regards Jens Update: I found the issue, after upgrading the default shortcut didn't work, but when I edited it to something else and then back to default it suddenly worked. (Changing can be done in ... (top right of firefox) -> add-ons -> enpass options). Sorry for this unnecessary post...
  4. I've recently migrated from Keepass. One thing I miss is the ability to copy a password to clipboard using CMD+C... any chance this could be added in a future version? Thanks for all your work on Enpass. Edit: I've just found this post and the list of supported shortcuts: Perhaps you could introduce a way to make these customisable, in future?
  5. Windows 10 64bit Chrome 51.0.2704.29 beta-m (64-bit) Enpass 5.2.0 The keyboard shortcut is unreliable, especially for intranet sites. I have multiple very similar intranet sites, which all get matched correctly when I manually click on the extension (only one result), but the keyboard shortcut doesn't work for about half of them. Let me know how to provide more info, as I realise this would be hard to replicate.
  6. Hi, It would be useful a password generator that works directly on new passwords fields. So you can just accept the new password suggestion from Enpass's window beside the password field. Thanks, Ricardo
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