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Found 2 results

  1. My Enpass totally crashed when I unlock Enpass, restore from OneDrive, or restore from a local backup. Therefore I was not able to retrieve my passwords, thus makes my Enpass became useless. Please note that Enpass 6.1 works flawlessly. Video of Windows 10 Version Video of Android Version
  2. The recent Enpass 6 update broke the OneDrive Cloud Syncing on All Systems. I first notice the sync error on my iPhone then my OMEN Laptop and lastly, my Surface Book. All the systems presented with the same Sync Error: 508403 and directs the user to the following page: Sync Error Help Page The OneDrive Cloud sync system was working before the recent update and now the update has broken the sync system. I would appreciate it if you can patch and fix the issue. Thanks. If you need any information on resolving the issue, I can provide that information to you. Details: iPhone 8 Plus: iOS 12.1.2 (16C101); Enpass App 6.0.0 (196) HP OMEN Laptop: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809; Enpass App 6.0.0 (218) - Windows Store App MS SurfaceBook: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809; Enpass App 6.0.0 (218) - Windows Store App MS Surface 3: Windows 10 Pro Version 1809; Enpass App 6.0.0 (218) - Windows Store App
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