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Found 3 results

  1. Hello and greetings, My question is regarding autofill feature. I use website called BackBlaze B2 and I have saved all the information related to it (Email, Password, 2FA TOTP Code, etc). The website asks for Email, Password and TOTP code on different pages, one after another. For example, enter email -> click on "Next" button (takes to next page) -> enter password -> click on "Sign In" Button (takes to next page) -> enter TOTP code -> click on another button and it let's me login. Now somehow when I visit login form and invoke Enpass with hotkey in the browser (Safari on macOS Big Sur), it does all that on it's own, i.e. fill email, click on next (or press enter, I am not sure), fill password and click on "Sign in" button and finally autofill TOTP as well. and ultimately log in. However, the same functionality is not available for other websites and I am not sure I how got it to work like this in the first place. Please educate on how to "record" auto login flow like this. Thank you and stay safe!
  2. Hi It would be so nice if it is possible to equip the browsers plugins with an extra "Folder" pull-down menu. I have made several folders in the desktop app. I would like to see that I can pull down a Folders Icon which will list all folders I made for quick access. Reason is I have multiple logins for some sites. I would to access these logins through the Folders.
  3. I'm testing enpass as a possible replacement for lastpass, and when I use the browser plugin to generate a password, it doesn't ave it to the store. If I log out of the new site and log back in (I have to find the password from the clipboard, which was a problem the first time I noticed, as it had been removed) then it offers to save the password, but in the two cases I've tried (one being this forum), it doesn't then know what the username is (as that was remembered). Is this a setup problem or something that doesn't work? As a side note, lastpass remembers the generated passwords anyway for each site, even if it doesn't know whether you used it. That would be a useful feature.
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