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Changing field names for all records at once


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Is it possible to change the field names for all records at once? Even editing at a database level instead of the GUI perhaps? 

For example, if I wanted to change the name "Url" to "URL" without doing that manually for the 300+ records I have in Enpass, how would I do that?

If it isn't possible, then I guess I'll create a related feature request.

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Hi @DustinDauncey

Thanks for writing in. 

Sorry to say that we don't have this feature now. But as far as I can understand that you want to capitalize the Field label URL in all items. We will fix this in the next update so that you will see URL instead of Url in all the Enpass generated items (Will not be possible if you have imported from other password manager and for that you would have to re-import your data by changing in original text file from which you have imported).

Hope this helps!


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Thank you for your response, @Anshu kumar. I can certainly wait until next release. I'm a bit OCD, so I just like to be able to bulk-change things to ensure consistency between various items in terms of the words I use for custom fields and things like that. Plus the "Url" instead of "URL" sort of irritated me. :-P haha I'm hoping in a future release that it can be added to be able to bulk-change items in a way where fields can be renamed all at once or something like that.

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