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Enpass wont accept my master password


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All of the sudden, for now 3-4 hours.. I know i am typing it right because works in the rest of my devices/computers...

I uninstalled and installed the RC version..(that have no idea where to get the browser plugin for RC, so just mention this as well) so after reinstalling with RC version, works fine.. until I restarted... same issue..!!! :(

I am using Arch linux with kde plasma the latest. 

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Hi @rek2,

Sorry to hear about your trouble and I apologize for the inconvenience. To investigate further in this issue, I might need to send a diagnostics tool. Please drop us an email at support@enpass.io mentioning a link to this discussion with these details:

  • Which Desktop Environment are you using?
  • Which cloud sync are you using?
  • Which Keyboard layout are you using?
  • What is the default language for Enpass and are you using any special character in master password?
  • Have you changed the default location of Enpass?

Thanks for your co-operation!


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