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Database items duplicated!


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I was trying to fill out a login and found that I have two, opened the software and found 400-ish items instead of 200. The problem is that I had saved new items before noticing the problem so I can't just restore from the backup. :| I have the latested everything, in addition to using Enpass on Android(Beta tester) and on iOS. And I use Dropbox to sync.

Is there a way to repair the database without losing the new items?

Screen Shot 2017-03-29 at 2.33.41 PM.png

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Hi @0rAX0

Oops! This sounds very weird as neither we have faced it here nor reported by any other customer so far. Please share some more information so that we can take a closer look and check on this.

  • Have you recently imported data of any other password manager into Enpass?
  • Have you recently switched to other cloud (Dropbox)?
  • Are you facing the same problem in other devices (Android and iOS) device too?
  • Have you recently changed the master password on any device?
  • What is the Last modified time of any two duplicated items?58dce56572f66_ScreenShot2017-03-30at3_53_57PM.png.35dc05c1924b8f9b272fd5daf9353e93.png

Once we are able to find the cause that have resulted to duplication of items , we would try to help you restoring the original items in your database.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/30/2017 at 0:21 PM, Anshu kumar said:

Hi @0rAX0

Oops! This sounds very weird as neither we have faced it here nor reported by any other customer so far. Please share some more information so that we can take a closer look and check on this.

It actually happened twice so far. The first time I spotted it and restored from a backup.

On 3/30/2017 at 0:21 PM, Anshu kumar said:
  • Have you recently imported data of any other password manager into Enpass?

I initially imported from 1Password to an empty database. Then I've using Enpass exclusively. 

On 3/30/2017 at 0:21 PM, Anshu kumar said:
  • Have you recently switched to other cloud (Dropbox)?

I use Dropbox from the start since I'm using Android and iOS as well.

On 3/30/2017 at 0:21 PM, Anshu kumar said:
  • Are you facing the same problem in other devices (Android and iOS) device too?

Yep. Everywhere.

On 3/30/2017 at 0:21 PM, Anshu kumar said:
  • Have you recently changed the master password on any device?


On 3/30/2017 at 0:21 PM, Anshu kumar said:
  • What is the Last modified time of any two duplicated items?58dce56572f66_ScreenShot2017-03-30at3_53_57PM.png.35dc05c1924b8f9b272fd5daf9353e93.png

Once we are able to find the cause that have resulted to duplication of items , we would try to help you restoring the original items in your database.

The Newest items have the date set to February 23rd. The new items however have an extra field: Location, identical to URL

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  • 1 month later...

Hi @0rAX0 ,

Normally this problem happens when data is imported from other password manager on two different devices. We are unable to reproduce this issue in our lab in any other scenario.

Sorry to say, but there is no way to automatically delete duplicate items, so you have to manually delete the duplicate items. 

Thanks for your understanding!

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