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Enpass seems to crash periodically on Windows 7


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Hey there!

So I seem to be having an issue with Enpass on Windows 7 Professional, and so does my coworker (who I recently converted from the Church of Lastpass). Every now and then, after having used Enpass to log in to websites using the browser extension, it seems to hang. I only seem to notice because I will attempt to log in again using the browser extension, and the browser extension does not respond.

Is there anything that can be done to troubleshoot this? If you need particular logs or clarification, feel free to let me know!


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Hi @Derik 

Thanks for reporting this issue and I apologize for the inconvenience. Please share some more info so that we can investigate where the problem could be?

  • Which version of Enpass App and Enpass extension are you using?
  • Have you installed any Antivirus/Firewall/security-related browser extension?
  • Are you using proxy?
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For myself, I am using the following:

  • Enpass v5.5.2 on Windows 7 with extension version 5.4.1 on Google Chrome
  • No security-related browser extensions besides an ad-blocker
  • No proxy

As for my coworker, he is using the following: 

  • Enpass v5.5.2 on Windows 7 with extension version 5.4.1 on Google Chrome and 5.3.4 on Firefox
  • No security-related browser extensions besides an ad-blocker
  • No proxy


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