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Enpass Discussion Forum

Add a menu to enter offline mode/pause syncing


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For work, I often connect my laptop to the networks of companies that block connections to Google Drive, Dropbox, etc (to avoid data theft). The problem is that some of them also log blocked attempts and may temporary suspend my proxy account.

At the moment, to prevent unsuccessful connections from Enpass, I set a fake proxy (such as "") so I can use Enpass "offline" (in it I have the credentials of many network devices that I manage). Then, when I connect to an "open" network, I remove the fake proxy and Enpass uses the system proxy to sync.

It would be nice to have a menu like "File -> Pause syncing/Resume syncing" or "File -> Go offline/Go online", so pausing synchronization would be a breeze. Spotify has this feature and is very convenient.


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