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Multi-User Support


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Many people have requested the ability to access multiple vaults.  My request is different.  I suggest allowing multiple people to log into the same vault with their own credentials.  Passwords could be placed in different access levels, or possibly folders, which only users with that level of access could see.

I work in IT, and we have many many passwords to remember for all the network hardware, internet accounts, etc.  Certain passwords, like onsite hardware, most of the IT personnel should have, while online accounts for purchases, etc, should be restricted to certain users.  But the users should be able to update the passwords in one place and have them updated for all other users.  This would remove the frustration of remembering which password is in which vault, or remembering to update the same password in multiple places.

Sharing folders with other users would also be nice.  I have people in my life that I would like to share some passwords with, but not all.

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  • 2 months later...

I agree: we currently have a single Enpass account that is located in a synced/shared via OneDrive for Business so the several folks within our team can access and contribute to it, but this method lacks any graceful version conflict system or user management.

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I doubt they CAN do this.  SQL Cipher is a way to encrypt a whole database with one key.  Multiple users means multiple keys.  The SQLite database would need to be encrypted with a public key.  They spent a lot of time switching to SQL Cipher, I don't see them throwing it all away for one (very cool) feature.

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On 8/9/2017 at 6:12 AM, Lapidary said:

I doubt they CAN do this.  SQL Cipher is a way to encrypt a whole database with one key.  Multiple users means multiple keys.

I think it can be done even if SQL Cipher is not supporting multiple keys.

Take full disk encryption in multi user environment as an example.
Disk content is encrypted with single master key. MK is never revealed to users and is encrypted with each user personal key. When you access the disk your personal key is used to retrieve MK and MK is used to access the data. This makes multi user access, user management (adding, removing) and password change possible without requiring re-encryption of the data.


Btw this feature is #1 in my personal wish list and would be a huge selling point for the Enpass. Think about what option it would open if single vault could be shared among team/family/group members without revealing the master key.

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