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Nextcloud webdav


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Been using the Enpass & Nextcloud webdav sync for a long time without issue.  Noticed today that sync isn't working.  Keeps asking me for the password saying there is a mismatch.  I can use the same password to login via the Nextcloud webui and also works for other webdav clients. (Gnome desktop Nextcloud integration being one)


I'm using Nextcloud V12.0.0 and Enpass 5.5.3

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Thanks for writing in. Just to make a couple of things clear, can you please let me know during sync process for which password you're getting the mismatch error. Is it Enpass's master password or your login password for Nextcloud account. If Enpass is showing error while syncing as Error syncing with cloud. Reason: Password mismatch,  it means the mismatch is for Enpass master password of local database and database on Nextcloud. 

Mismatch for master password of Enpass comes once you change the master password on Enpass from any other device. Since Enpass data on cloud is now encrypted with new password, so your other devices will not be able to sync with the data on cloud and will show this message. Now you need to enter your new/changed master password to enable sync. For more details please check out this FAQ.

If there is something else, please help me understanding it more precisely.


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