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Error 403: Vivaldi sync stopped working today

An Enpass User

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Hi guys, I got this error today in Vivaldi. The plugin stopped working. Please fix. :) Thanks!

Error 403


Enpass app has denied access to data.


Browser requesting the data is not code signed. 



  • code : 3
  • origin : chrome-extension://kmcfomidfpdkfieipokbalgegidffkal
  • path : C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\Vivaldi\Application\vivaldi.exe
  • port : 54623
  • server_port : 10391
Edited by An Enpass User
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Hi @An Enpass User,

We regret the inconvenience.

Sometimes re-booting the device might help. If the problem persists, please share the following details so that we can help you better.

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version and extension version are you using?
  • Which Vivaldi version are you using?

Thanks for your co-operation.

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7 hours ago, Kashish said:

Hey @An Enpass User,

Thanks for sharing the details. Are you using any proxy, VPN or firewall on your system or the network? Also, did you install Vivaldi browser from the official site or any third party software provider?


It's using a firewall, but that has been the case all along, before it stopped working too. Enpass plugin works fine in Chrome.

Vivaldi was installed from the official site.

"Browser not trusted" is the message in the Enpass plugin log in Vivaldi.

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