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Development Pipeline


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This is not a feature request per se, but would you consider releasing a blog post (or a forum post) that covers off what features are coming in the Enpass development pipeline? I am not asking for hard dates, but I think we would all love to know what is coming so we aren't requesting features that are already being worked on.

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Hello guys,

We also gave a thought to publicizing our development roadmap and would love to introduce it in future. But at the moment we are very busy in development of all long-time-cherished features like portable USB version, Chromebook version, attachments, auto backups and later on multiple vaults (in the same order). These are already very deep and massive features and every single one of them will stick on board for weeks (pulling out drift). And you know there are so many supported platforms which will make it difficult for us to get involved in discussions. We want to keep ourselves focused on releasing Beta(s) of them and once done we might release Forums.

Once again. Thanks a lot guys for keeping us motivated for what we are doing.

With confidence,

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