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Crashes when using attachments


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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @Speedys1979

Thanks for reporting this issue. I've notified the testing team about it so that they can have a closer look into it. Meanwhile, please let me know, which version of Enpass are you using?  

Awaiting your response.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @Speedys1979

We are unable to reproduce this issue here. Please let me know, does this happen for all the attachments or some specific ones? Also, does Enpass crash when you add an attachment to a particular item or anyone?

Top of the day to you!

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Namaste Akash

I created an item. Then I edited the item, choose to attach file and choose a picture from the phone library taken with the mobile camera. When I saved the item, the app crashed.

Every time I launched the app, I could sign in using the master password but when opening the repository, the app crashed.


I have resolved it now. I downloaded the keyfile from my onedrive, installed enpass on my laptop. Imported the keyfile locally and removed the item with the attachment. Then I uploaded the keyfile to my onedrive again, reinstalled the app on the mobile and now it works.

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