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Duplicate items in the secondary vault to the primary

Geoff Rorgers

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I’ve set up a secondary vault for my adult son who has severe intellectual disability. He will never use this vault but his sibblings will need access. I want to also keep a copy of everything in this secondary vault into a folder in my own Primary Vault. I’ve not entered anything into his vault yet and need to know what’s the best way of achieving the above please?

Edited by Geoff Rorgers
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Hey @Geoff Rorgers

Welcome to the forum!

Any additional vault(s) other than the Primary vault in the app on the same system are accessible along with the Primary vault. If you wish to keep the Primary Vault for yourself and grant access only to the secondary vault(for your family) on the same app - that won't be possible because unlocking the app will unlock all the vaults simultaneously. If you have set up a new vault(secondary vault) in Enpass on any other device, you can easily share that vault with the Primary Vault on your own device using cloud synchronization. Please confirm if you are using two different devices. If Yes, please follow the below steps-

Step 1-

  1. First, you’ll need to sync the newly created vault with any of the supported cloud services in Enpass. To do so, follow the below steps-

    • Open Enpass> Go to ‘Enpass settings’ --> Vaults --> Select the new vault---> Select ‘Set up Sync’ and choose a cloud account.

    • Enter your cloud account details, follow the instructions and wait till the sync is done.

Step 2-

  1. Now you can sync the secondary vault with your own primary vault using the same cloud account as in Step 1. To do so, please follow the below steps-

    • Open Enpass> Go to ‘Enpass settings’ --> Vaults--> Click on primary vault --> Click on Restore from the particular cloud --> Login the cloud account--> Click on Continue --> Enter master password --> Tap on 'Continue'.


  • Every person having access to the vault has full permissions to read, write (delete) any item from the vault, or even change the vault password as you can’t set any sharing attributes or access permissions.
  • Any changes in the vault will remain in sync as long as no-one disconnects the sync on their devices. Also, in such case, your primary vault data will also be available on your sons device. To avoid that, we will request you to create a new vault on your own device as well and then setup sync.

Hope this helps!

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Hi @Garima Singh

Thank your time and the instructions provided.

Referring to your first question, I set up the primary and secondary vaults on my laptop, and not on separate devices. I set a unique password for the secondary. (Since my original post I've reviewed the manual more and also seen how to copy or move items from the the primary to the secondary vault.)

I've not installed Enpass yet on my disabled son's laptop as I wasn't sure when installing it how the secondary vault set-up works. As I need access to both primary and secondary vaults on his laptop I'll jest set up Enpass using my existing user details I've used on my laptop.

Regarding my disabled son's 3 sibblings, can I give them access to my secondary vault only so they can access their brothers info if/when required but not have access to my Primary vault? My daughter uses her own Enpass account and my other two sons don't use Enpass.

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Hey @Geoff Rorgers

Thanks for writing back.

Please refer to this FAQ to know about sharing the vault.

On 6/2/2020 at 9:54 AM, Geoff Rorgers said:

Regarding my disabled son's 3 sibblings, can I give them access to my secondary vault only so they can access their brothers info if/when required but not have access to my Primary vault? My daughter uses her own Enpass account and my other two sons don't use Enpass.

I'm afraid to tell that access to specific-vaults within the app on the same computer isn't a possibility. If you prefer to share the contents of the secondary vault, setup cloud sync and then on a different computer, restore the database using the same cloud account.


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