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Which sync options support sharing?

Philip Colmer

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I've been using Enpass with my team at work successfully for several years. We've only had the one, primary, vault and it has been stored on our NextCloud server, allowing each of us to sync via WebDav.

We've now got a new member of staff. I don't want to give them access to the full vault from day 1, so I was thinking of setting up a second vault that would be shared with them and then copy items over as and when they need them.

I've just tried this with Google Drive. Syncing works fine but I cannot find the data on Google Drive in order to share it with my new member of staff.

So that leads me to this question: which sync destinations support sharing with other users? The limitation of one Vault per sync destination account makes it impossible for me to use our NextCloud server.



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I've tried using OneDrive Personal. The first problem was that the path has to be Apps > Enpass, which means it isn't possible to share just the Enpass folder. I have to share the entire Apps folder, which is potentially dangerous.

The second problem, and one I don't really understand, is that after sharing the folder and my colleague adding it to his OneDrive folder (so that is appears as Apps> Enpass), when he tries to restore from OneDrive, it says there isn't any data there.

So unless I've missed something, I can't use OneDrive either.

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Hey @Philip Colmer

Thanks for writing to us.

To do so, you can create a secondary vault and share this vault with the new staff. Once you have set up a new vault in Enpass, you can easily share them with anyone using cloud synchronization. To do so, please follow the below steps-

Step 1- First, you’ll need to sync the newly created vault with any of the supported cloud services in Enpass. To do so, follow the below steps-

  • Open Enpass> Go to ‘Enpass settings’ --> Vaults --> Select the new vault---> Select ‘Set up Sync’ and choose a cloud account.
  • Enter your cloud account details, follow the instructions and wait till the sync is done.

Step 2-

  • Share the cloud login credentials and secondry vault password with the new team members you intend to share the vault with.

Step 3- Now the new staff can restore the vault data by creating a new vault in his/her Enpass from Settings and restore the data via sync using the same cloud account as in Step 1. To do so, please follow the below steps-

  • Open Enpass> Go to ‘Enpass settings’ --> Vaults--> Create a new vault by clicking on '+' --> Click on Restore from the particular cloud --> Login the cloud account--> Click on Continue --> Enter master password (same you using while creating the secondary vault)--> Tap on 'Continue'.


1- Any changes in the new vault will remain in sync as long as none of the team members disconnects the sync on their devices.

2- Every person having access to the new vault has full permissions to read, write (delete) any item from the vault, or even change the vault password as you can’t set any sharing attributes or access permissions.

  • You need to share the password of the new vault which you’re sharing with other users.
  • You’ll have to share the login details of the cloud account with each user you want to share the vault with.
  • Note: We recommend creating a separate cloud account for sharing vaults to protect personal cloud account’s privacy.

Also, you can refer to this FAQ.

Hope this helps!


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Share the cloud login credentials and secondry vault password with the new team members you intend to share the vault with.

This was the key step that I finally figured out. As I was so used to being able to share via WebDAV on NextCloud without needing to share login credentials, that was the stumbling block for me.

Thankfully, this works really well with the free version of DropBox.

Thank you.


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