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Enpass Discussion Forum

Scaling Issues


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I am using the latest Enpass on Windows 10. 

The issue I have noticed is that scaling looks off with certain items very large or certain very small. 

Due to this I applied this fix: https://www.enpass.io/support/kb/troubleshooting/enpass-looks-too-small-or-big-on-my-display-how-can-i-fix-it/

Although after setting this setting the Enpass application becomes very laggy ... all the animations run very choppy and overall the application becomes slow to use. 

So I went and disabled the setting and the lag from the application finished. 

Can we get a permanent fix for scaling without side effects? 

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  • 2 months later...

Its all good, I fixed it by setting the following:

QT_auto_screen_scale = 0 and QT_screen_scale_factor = 1.


When I had set to fractional scaling like 1.25 then I noticed a large amount of lag and some pixelation but setting it to 1 has fixed the issue.

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