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Pre-release version of Enpass WebExtension for Firefox is out now!

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All of the questions asked in this thread, and much of the confusion, could be avoided if people would just read!

Anyone saying "Help! I'm using the current/latest version of Enpass on Windows and the Firefox 57 plugin doesn't work" needs to stop and inform themselves first! There are multiple editions of Enpass on Windows, all of which have different version numbers. All of them are the current/latest version of Enpass, for their edition. Only one edition is compatible with Firefox 57. Three of them work with Firefox 56 and earlier. Only one of them works with Edge.

Frankly, I think the Enpass team is having some difficulty communicating on this topic, but here is the break-down:


* The 'Traditional Win32' edition is the only edition that works with Firefox >= 57.

** The 'Windows UWP' edition is the only edition that supports Windows Hello and Cortana.

IMHO the table above is what should be on the Enpass download page, under a single heading for Windows. Considering the ludicrous mess they have there now, the confusion isn't surprising. Anyway, according to this blog post:

  • the Windows 10 - Desktop (a.k.a Bridged) edition is what the Enpass team will be focusing on going forward. It will eventually become compatible with Firefox 57 and include all the features that are currently unique to the 'Windows UWP' edition.
  • The 'Traditional Win32' edition won't get that much attention, but it will stick around for people with older versions of Windows.

I've not seen anybody mention anything about the portable version, which at this point looks like it has been abandoned.

Here are the download links for the various versions of Enpass for Windows:

  1. Traditional Win32 (5.6.0)
  2. Portable (5.5.6)
  3. Windows 10 - Desktop [a.k.a bridged version] (latest version)
  4. Windows UWP (latest version)
Edited by Unsay
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On 06/12/2017 at 6:54 PM, Unsay said:

All of the questions asked in this thread, and much of the confusion, could be avoided if people would just read!

Anyone saying "Help! I'm using the current/latest version of Enpass on Windows and the Firefox 57 plugin doesn't work" needs to stop and inform themselves first! There are multiple editions of Enpass on Windows, all of which have different version numbers. All of them are the current/latest version of Enpass, for their edition. Only one edition is compatible with Firefox 57. Three of them work with Firefox 56 and earlier. Only one of them works with Edge.

Frankly, I think the Enpass team is having some difficulty communicating on this topic, but here is the break-down:


* The 'Traditional Win32' edition is the only edition that works with Firefox >= 57.

** The 'Windows UWP' edition is the only edition that supports Windows Hello and Cortana.

IMHO the table above is what should be on the Enpass download page, under a single heading for Windows. Considering the ludicrous mess they have there now, the confusion isn't surprising. Anyway, according to this blog post:

  • the Windows 10 - Desktop (a.k.a Bridged) edition is what the Enpass team will be focusing on going forward. It will eventually become compatible with Firefox 57 and include all the features that are currently unique to the 'Windows UWP' edition.
  • The 'Traditional Win32' edition won't get that much attention, but it will stick around for people with older versions of Windows.

I've not seen anybody mention anything about the portable version, which at this point looks like it has been abandoned.

Here are the download links for the various versions of Enpass for Windows:

  1. Traditional Win32 (5.6.0)
  2. Portable (5.5.6)
  3. Windows 10 - Desktop [a.k.a bridged version] (latest version)
  4. Windows UWP (latest version)

Not everyone is ignorant about the different versions - it's definitely confusing but mostly frustrating. 

Some of us use multiple browsers for whatever reason, in my case it's due to work and needing to test in different environments. It's great that there's finally Edge support, however, in order to use Enpass with both Edge and Firefox we have to have two separate versions installed. Without voicing our discontent for this the developers may not prioritise the feature appropriately. 

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On 12/7/2017 at 11:13 PM, fredskis said:

Not everyone is ignorant about the different versions - it's definitely confusing but mostly frustrating. 

Some of us use multiple browsers for whatever reason, in my case it's due to work and needing to test in different environments. It's great that there's finally Edge support, however, in order to use Enpass with both Edge and Firefox we have to have two separate versions installed. Without voicing our discontent for this the developers may not prioritise the feature appropriately. 

Yes, I completely agree. I've been complaining about the root cause of this problem too, for over a year now. Every version of Enpass for Windows suffers from it, e.g. the portable version also isn't compatible with FF57, so people who need the combination of portability and FF57 are out of luck too. Need FF57 and Edge... out of luck. Need Windows Hello and any browser plugin at all... out of luck.

All of these editions of Enpass for Windows should theoretically be generated from a single, consolidated and shared code base. That would ensure that all non-UI features (like browser plugins, or Windows Hello) would become available for all versions of Enpass for Windows simultaneously. Most of the Enpass for Windows code base should be shared across editions, only swapping out the UI layer for alternative implementations where necessary (like the UWP version). The fact that they aren't doing this is the root cause of this mess, which the Enpass team understands but isn't willing to correct (I'm guessing due to the effort required).

This is definitely worthy of being complained about.

My previous post was intended to reduce the number of posts in regard to things where the information is available, but people were confused regardless.

Edited by Unsay
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With Traditional Win32 Enpass 5.6.0 and latest browser extensions ist works fine on firefox 57.0.2 x64


Thank You! I love enpass



Enpass 5.6.0 Don't work synchronization with google drive or Dropbox but work browser extensions

Enpass 5.6.2 Work synchronization with google drive or Dropbox but don't work browser extensions

Edited by followotto
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Enpass made a really fine mess of this, which other such password manager apps did not. The extention is not being updated in Mozilla's Add-on store, instead there is only this 'pre'-release and not apparent development, neither on the extention nor on the core. Wondering whether Enpass is in the process of quitting or selling or something, but not developing.

If this is supposed to be a 'pre'-release from end of September then why is there no release in the Add-on store 2.5 months later?

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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @n8v8r

Sorry for the misunderstanding. There is nothing like Enpass is going anywhere.

We've already released the WebExtension for Firefox and it can be installed from our website only and it would no longer be distributed through the Firefox Store for faster delivery of the updates. So if you are using the addon installed from Store, please uninstall that and install the WebExtension from our website.


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