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Enpass freezing


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Over the last little while (and unfortunately I did not note if it was subsequent to a version update) Enpass is freezing on my mac. Most commonly the save button does not appear to function at all. However even though the save button is in a PERMANENTLY GREYED OUT state - sometimes items save and sometimes they do not. However Enpass is seriously messed up.

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Hi @Toronto,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

Please share the following details so that we can investigate where the problem could be.

  • On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using?
  • Which cloud sync are you using to sync data?
  • Are you facing this problem in any specific case or just while adding the items and clicking on the save button?

Thanks for your co-operation.

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macOS 10.15.7 

sync via iCloud 

enpass v 6.5.0 (700)

all menu buttons on the app are permanently greyed out 

Does enpass have a local memory limit - what's going on? 

to add a new entry I now have to use my iphone and sync/can't add a new entry on my mac. I can view all items on the mac but can't add them - the entire menu bar - including the search, cancel and save button are greyed out - the entire app is useless on my mac now. I can use the search if I don't attempt to enter any new data first so it is still minimally functional to look up entries. I have 917 entries .. and now I'm concerned I've trusted all that data with an unstable app.

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Ok ... for the benefit of the countless other Enpass users that likely can't use the app right now ... I will assist. As I mentioned ... none of the buttons in the main app window work. You can click on them ... but nothing happens. The top menu works ... but unfortunately you have not included a save function there (you should change that). As such no new items can be added and no existing items can be edited. The app can only be used to look up existing entries.

This problem is new. I have been an Enpass user for years and have never experienced anything like this. 

Here's something I discovered accidentally ... and that will direct you to the problem solution.  I by chance clicked on the green button in the app window and maximized the window - not something that represents a preferred window size when working with a password manager. Nonetheless, when the app window is fully maximized, the buttons work and I can use the app. If I click on the green button again and reduce the window size to "normal" the buttons cease to function.

I'm confident you currently have thousands of users that require a fix asap.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So a month later ... and you still find it acceptable that now the only manner in which users with high res displays can use Enpass is by fully maximizing the application window ... as any smaller app window size and the search bar won't accept text and all the buttons no longer function - you've pushed a lot of updates in the last month - when are you going to fix this?????

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