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help! Iphone12 migration

I am having a similar problem. Having migrated from my iphone 11pro to new iphone12pro, the enpass app asks for master password which I did not set, I was using facial recognition to access the app on my iphone11 but I am not getting this option on the new iphone yet my facial recognition is already set on my phone. Please assist.


Hey @Isavwa

Welcome to the forum!

If I have understood your correctly, you are trying to transfer the Enpass data from your old device to new device but you don't remember the master password of Enpass which was set earlier and you were accessing Enpass with face-id on the old device.

Sorry to inform you that there is no way to recover your master password. For more info, refer to this FAQ. However, we have one solution for you if you are able to access Enpass using a fingerprint/Face ID on your old device. To know more, please have a look at this link of forum post.


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