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Google family-payment-method


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yesterday I read about the Google family-payment-method. Here other family members can also use payed Apps from the "family administrator". But this only works with payed apps - not with in app purchases. For me this sounds really good and I will use it for some apps - also for Enpass.

So is it possible / have you planed that you switch from in app purchase to a second, payed "pro app"?

Thanks in advance.


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Hi @threadstone,  

Thanks for checking out Enpass and your message. 

Initially, the Enpass was launched as a Pro-app with separate trial version, but to remove the hassle of dealing with two version of same app at the same time, we switched to in-app purchases, and users liked that move. 
I also like the concept of Family sharing of paid apps, but to support that we can't convert a free Enpass App into paid app ( as per Google policy) and can’t move the existing in-app purchases (of existing users) to new App. So we have to stick with in-app purchase and users looking for family sharing for in-app purchases have to wait until the Google supports that.


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