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Cortex XDR Quarantining New Enpass Version


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Hello. I run Enpass on my work MacBook. My company also uses Palo Alto Cortex XDR as an AV client.

After the upgrade to the new version on Enpass that I upgraded to this morning (Feb 2, 2021), Cortex XDR is now quarantining Enpass.

Here's some of the output from the Cortex XDR AV program:

Prevention ID: xxxxx

Machine name: xxxxx

OS Name: macOS

OS Version: OS X 10.16.0

Cortex XDR version:

Dump path: N/A

Content Version: 165-51072

Mode: Terminate

Module name: WildFire

Date: 2/2/21, 9:07:57 AM

Verdict: Grayware

Source Process ID: 586

Source Process Command-Line: /Applications/Enpass.app/Contents/MacOS/Enpass

Source User Name: xxx

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