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When using Cloud Sync, how does Enpass handle conflicts if edits are made offline?


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If I edited a website login via the desktop app when my computer was not connected to the internet, then someone later edited that same website login, via a different 'online' device. What would Enpass do to resolve the differences, between the vault on my computer and the vault in my cloud, when my computer was back online? 

As the two vaults are now different, does it simply overwrite the entire vault on my computer with the newer 'cloud sync' vault (replacing the changes I made on my computer) or will it merge changes/additions if they are different? 

E.g. If I changed a login password offline, then later, via a different online device, modified a note (for the same login), what would Enpass do?

I'm curious how it might handle offline edits and changes made to the same logins. 

Thank you in advance for any thoughts.

Edited by Thoughts?
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Hey @Thoughts?

Thanks for writing in. Sync in Enpass works at the level of timestamp of individual field, so it will take the latest changes in account and apply them. You don't have to worry about any data loss.

22 hours ago, Thoughts? said:

If I edited a website login via the desktop app when my computer was not connected to the internet, then someone later edited that same website login, via a different 'online' device. What would Enpass do to resolve the differences, between the vault on my computer and the vault in my cloud, when my computer was back online? 

As I said, it will consider the changes you made on different online device as they were done later. First your data from online device will be uploaded to cloud and same will supersede the data on desktop when you'll connect it to internet.

22 hours ago, Thoughts? said:

As the two vaults are now different, does it simply overwrite the entire vault on my computer with the newer 'cloud sync' vault (replacing the changes I made on my computer) or will it merge changes/additions if they are different? 

No, not the complete vault. Your desktop will download the complete vault from cloud and client app will start the sync process on those items with different time stamp and then dig in to field level.

22 hours ago, Thoughts? said:

E.g. If I changed a login password offline, then later, via a different online device, modified a note (for the same login), what would Enpass do?


The latest one will be kept.

I suggest you to please download Enpass and try syncing. I am sure you will find it very smooth. All the core features are free in the desktop version and you can keep 25 items in the Lite version of mobile platforms.

Please let me know if you have any doubts.

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Hello Garima

Thank you for a very thorough reply.

Could I just clarify this sentence "The latest one will be kept"

Does this mean that, in my example, the password change made in the first (offline) device would be kept 'and' the note added via the second device would also be kept? So 'both' modifications made to the same website login entry (from two different devices) would be included in the newly synced vault?

By the way, I already use the Enpass desktop app, I simply wished to clarify this aspect. 

Thank you once again



Edited by Thoughts?
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Hi @Thoughts?,

Thanks for writing back.

On 2/18/2021 at 4:19 AM, Thoughts? said:

Does this mean that, in my example, the password change made in the first (offline) device would be kept 'and' the note added via the second device would also be kept? So 'both' modifications made to the same website login entry (from two different devices) would be included in the newly synced vault?

Yes, both the changes will be kept as soon as the offline device gets access to internet and Enpass app is opened. For more clarity, I would suggest you to create a temporary item and do the test.

Let me know, if you have any query.


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