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Android 10 Locking issues.


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Everything worked fine in android 9 but as soon as I upgraded to android 10 on Feb 5, 2021 Enpass quits or restarts after about 5 hrs and the master password is needed to log back in.

My locking settings are "lock after 10 min." unlock with a PIN and that's it.

Android 9 would stay logged in for days or until I changed it.

I'm on a Oneplus 5t with LinageOS 17.1 and Enpass

Is anyone else seeing this?

What's the problem? maybe upgrade to 6.6.3

Thanks and good day to you


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19 hours ago, Pratyush Sharma said:

Hi @troypulk,

Sorry for the trouble you are going through.

Please confirm if you made any changes in the Battery Optimization settings of the device as it could a reason of killing apps in background to save battery.

Thank you,

That was it, I turned off the battery saver setting and enpass is still logged in after around 5 hrs.


Thanks again



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