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Problem of automatic sync on startup


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When I fist start Enpass on my computer it appears to do an automatic sync with the file on my cloud storage. 

It does this before opening the database and allowing and showing the contents.

The problem is that whenever the computer doesn't have Internet access I have to wait a couple of minutes before the sync times-out and the database opens and allows me to see the entries. It may be a relatively short time, but when you are busy and need information in a hurry it seems like a very long irritating wait.

Is it possible to either turn off the auto-sync on startup or have it run in the background so as not to block the opening of the database?

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Hi @davblo,

Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.

17 hours ago, davblo said:

It does this before opening the database and allowing and showing the contents.

Please let us know what you mean by the before opening the database? Just after entering the master password and hitting unlock button or even before entering the master password? Also, please let us know the following details so we can further investigate the issue:

  • On which OS version are you using Enpass?
  • Which Enpass version are you using?
  • Which cloud are you using to sync data?
17 hours ago, davblo said:

Is it possible to either turn off the auto-sync on startup or have it run in the background so as not to block the opening of the database?

Currently, there is no option to turn off the auto-sync. However, the request has been noted and shared with the team.


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Thanks for your reply.

I just tested again with both app on Android and desktop app on Windows10, with Internet access off - and both worked fine with no delay (sync showing "red" as expected).

 I think the situation when I encountered the delay was that I had Internet connectivity but the server itself was inaccessible.

That is a little harder for me to reproduce. I'll try that a bit later.

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  • 1 month later...


Today I have the situation which causes the problem. I have internet connection, but access to the backup is not available due to a network issue (a VPN connection is down)

When I click on the Enpass icon to start the program, the window opens but remains blank. Just a frame with title, and all white inside. The mouse pointer is a small blue rotating circle.

It remains like this for about 3 minutes then finally proceeds to the "Master password" prompt. After logging in the program opens fine and shows the available entries.

Checking the sync status shows, as expected, "Sync Error, please check your internet connection and try again".

So it seems that when there is no Internet connection the program skips syncing and goes on to open the program, but when Internet connection is present and the sync server is unavailable you have a rather long timeout before giving up and asking for Master password. 

I've looked for a recent log file but so far haven't found one.

Edited by davblo
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Hey @davblo

Sorry for the trouble you are going through. This is known issue where  Enpass backups location is set to a network folder and it is not accessible. Until a fix is released,  if possible, change the Enpass backups location to a local folder. You can change the backups location via Enpass Settings --> Backups --> Location -> Change Location. Please share your feedback.

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Hi, thanks for your reply.

The reason I have the sync folder on a webdav server is so that both my PC and my phone can sync to the same data.

So using a local folder will not help me.

I have a workaround by using a separate VPN connection to the sever to get around the network fault.

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