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Enpass Discussion Forum

Automatic backup path cannot be changed


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My System:

Enpass 6.6.0 (775) - Debian Bullseye

I had taken over the data from an old installation (restore) The path to automatic backup was there: / media / KOMM / Enpass6-Beta / Backups /. This directory no longer exists.

I am unable to change the directory.

The manual says:


To change the location for the backups, go to Enpass settings> Auto Backups> Click Change Location> Select the new location.

If I do that, it will have no effect. The old path remains.

Is there any other way to change the path?

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Hey @geier22

Thanks for writing in.

Please follow the below steps and let us know if this is not helpful-

  1. Please take the backup of your Enpass data manually and save it locally on the same device.
  2. Now go to /home/username/.config/sinew.in/Enpass.conf
  3. Delete the file Enpass.conf
  4. After restarting Enpass your backup location set to default automatically.
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