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Wi-Fi-Sync-Server can't be started / crashes


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First of all I'm super happy about the local wifi sync feature finally being added to Enpass. :)

Unfortunately, after I wanted to start the Wi-Fi-Sync-Server (Preferences -> Wi-Fi-Sync), it instead tells me "Error: Wi-Fi-Server crashed".
I'm running Enpass 6.7.0 (876) on a MacBook Pro (Mid 2012) under macOS Catalina 10.15.6 with currently no FireWall activated.
Other apps as PDF Expert are able to host a server on my mac for iOS transfer, so it shouldn't be a general issue.

Thanks a lot in advance for your help!


Bildschirmfoto 2021-08-19 um 10.06.09.png

Edited by Phil0r
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If your reported version number is correct, it looks like you are running a slightly newer version of 6.7 than you can access on the beta page (865).

I run 865 on a very similar setup to yours and I have no problems starting, pausing or stopping the WiFi Sync Server.

Perhaps the version of the beta that you have has a bug in it? You might want to consider downloading the publicly available beta version and try that and see if the issue is resolved?

Edited by Discordant
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thanks a lot for your reply! That's interesting, as I did not (on purpose) load a beta version but updated from my older version via the AppStore.

However, I just solved the issue the following way:

I uninstalled the problematic Enpass 6.7.0 (876) version (via AppCleaner) and re-installed it via the AppStore. Now I have version 6.7.1 (878) (released later the day I installed 876), in which the sync-server can be successfully started. :) 

I am not sure if it was due to the re-installation or the fact that I now have an even newer software version.

In case someone else has that issue, re-installing should probably fix it.

Thanks again,

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