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Everything posted by Discordant

  1. While that would definitely be handy, macOS does not yet have the ability to allow third party apps to integrate with the existing password filling function for apps. Enpass would have to write their own separate mechanism to allow for password filling in apps. Hopefully Apple will add support for this in a future OS, because it would make this much easier to implement and use.
  2. No. The vault itself is encrypted with your password. Moving it to another machine won’t help.
  3. My experience is a bit different from yours, so I wonder if there is something specific to your environment that is contributing to or causing this. 1. I use Enpass on a few Macs, Intel and Apple Silicon with either Monterey or Ventura and I’ve not experienced this. When the machine wakes from sleep, Enpass is still responsive. 2. I don’t use stage manager, but I just tried it and it seemed ok, but I can’t really comment on this because one data point doesn’t mean there isn’t an issue, look around the forum and see if anyone else is complaining of this. 3. I also don’t use a separate key any more, so I can’t test this. 4. I regularly use Safari and Firefox enough to say that this doesn’t seem to be a broad issue. So long as Enpass is running and linked properly to the browser extension and you are using the latest version of that extension, I’ve not had a problem with Enpass triggering. I can’t comment on Chrome, since while I do have it installed and the extension active, I don’t use it enough to say for sure that there isn’t an issue. 5. I’ve never had the Safari extension crash on any of my Macs. Honestly, I’ve never had any Safari extension crash on me, but I also don’t have a bunch active. All this makes me wonder if there is something specific to your environment that is causing most of this. For example some interaction with other software you have installed or some cruft or something else damaged that is making Enpass unstable. If the issues you report were widespread, there would be a lot of similar reports here, since you are basically saying Enpass is unusable, and that would definitely get people (me too) here to complain about the problem. Assuming you want to continue to use Enpass, there are a few things you can do to try to narrow down the problems you are having. The best way is to either backup your boot drive and wipe it and reinstall macOS or copy your vault over to a new Mac before anything else is installed or configured and see if the problems go away. I particularly think that backing up regularly and wiping your drive (or using macOS’s built-in data removal and os reconfiguring feature) periodically can really help. (I do the wipe and start fresh thing every year or so, and I find it really helps on Macs and PCs.) To be more specific, get an external hard drive and back up all of your data. I like using something like Carbon Copy Cloner or Super Duper to create a “bootable” backup so I can be sure that all of my data is intact. (For security, Apple makes it really hard to boot from external sources on modern Macs.) Once you have a good backup (with really important data backed up in multiple ways to be safe), restart your Mac in recovery mode, wipe the boot drive and reinstall the OS. https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/erase-and-reinstall-macos-mh27903/mac You can also erase the Mac, but I prefer the wipe and reinstall method to be sure. https://support.apple.com/guide/mac-help/erase-your-mac-mchl7676b710/13.0/mac/13.0 Once the OS is reinstalled, the first thing to do is to install Enpass, since that is the app you’re having problems with, copy over your vaults as well. Then activate Enpass if needed and test all of the things you had issues with. If the problems don’t go away, try one more thing. Remove the vaults and create a brand new one. Add a few logins to the vault for testing and then try everything again. If the problems go away, you know that there was something with your old setup or the vaults themselves causing the problem. If it is your old vaults, try exporting the data from them and importing only the data you really need into the new vault and if the problem(s) return, there might be some bad or corrupted entries in the vault causing problems. Chances are, based on the issues you report, that bad vault entries are unlikely to be the cause of all of the problems. If wiping and reinstalling solves the problems, you still aren’t done, because you might as well check that some other software you need isn’t reacting with Enpass to cause problems. In this case, only reinstall your most critical software items one at a time, testing Enpass for issues after each install. If the problems don’t return, great! If they do, note what you installed before the issue reappeared and report the conflict to both developers since the issue might be on both sides. Not related to this, but I find it super useful… If you do this, only reinstall software you know you must use immediately (perhaps an VPN for work, or software you know you use every day) and hold off on reinstalling everything you had previously installed. If you then run into an issue where you realize you need the software that isn’t installed, reinstall it at that point. Especially if you’ve been using your Mac for a while you definitely have things installed you likely no longer use, and this is a chance to free up disk space and simplify your life by not installing stuff you don’t need. I hope this helps.
  4. iOS still doesn’t have the ability to pass these sorts of events to third party password managers (this isn’t limited to Enpass). Maybe some day Apple will add it. The feedback address for Apple feedback is https://www.apple.com/contact/feedback/ if you want to suggest they add that functionality. I’m sure the Enpass team would love it if their product had the same sort of access to password events that iCloud Keychain does.
  5. Your answer is on the security page of Enpass’ website (in the FAQ): https://www.enpass.io/security/ Your cloud always contains a copy of same encrypted data as on your device. We download the whole encrypted copy and decrypt it locally on your device for real sync operation to merge changes. Afterwards we upload the encrypted data on cloud. In a nutshell, your cloud is only a storage medium and no security related operation ( encryption or decryption ) is actually performed there. All such operations are performed locally on your device.
  6. Discussion of the hack from a security researcher: https://palant.info/2022/12/26/whats-in-a-pr-statement-lastpass-breach-explained/
  7. The threat actor got a copy of everyone’s encrypted vaults. Sure, they were encrypted, but you can be sure there are a lot of people who used easy-to-guess master passwords. You know that a lot of people are going to have a lot of very private info go public at some point. People don’t only store login data in their LastPass vault. I’m glad Enpass supports using offline local vaults. It is safer.
  8. That warning is from the OS itself. During shutdown the OS sends a quit request to all open apps. If the app doesn’t respond immediately or shut down, the OS shows that notification. If the app quits in the meantime, the notice automatically goes away. Enpass just takes slightly longer to shut down than the OS is configured to wait. You can safely ignore that unless Enpass is actually stopping your machine from shutting down or restarting.
  9. While editing one of these imported items, click on the password field name, this will bring up some editing options for that field. The Field Name can be whatever you want it to be, but you'll want to make sure the Field Type is set to Password and the box is checked next to Sensitive. Then click Save. Now when you edit the password, there should be a small eye icon in the password entry field. Click it to show or hide the password.
  10. What version of Enpass are you running?
  11. When you hover over the Enpass icons in the dock, do all but one of them disappear?
  12. This is likely related to an already reported issue. For those who have this problem, press the keyboard shortcut 3 times and it should be copied. The devs have said they are working on a fix.
  13. You might also want to check your mobile WiFi hotspot, as the one I used to use a few years ago didn't create a shared network between all connected users. It automatically segregated users as if they were each on their own private network. Perhaps yours does something similar? You may be able to go into the settings of the device to allow access between connected users.
  14. Also, are you using iCloud+'s Private Relay feature? I'm not sure if it is offered in your local market yet, but my experience is that having it enabled at startup delays full network connectivity for some apps for a few moments after start up. Typically, this only lasts a few moments, and if the app attempts to connect again shortly after the first failed attempt, the connection will go through just fine.
  15. The Mac App Store version isn’t updated to 6.8.1 yet, so you should switch to the website download version since that supposedly fixes this issue.
  16. I just tried this on macOS Monterey with the store version of 6.8.0 and I was able to copy things out of notes via the keyboard shortcut and also by right clicking on the selection and choosing Copy. I tried via the menu bar assistant and that worked, too. Can you provide more information about your setup and macOS version? It will be hard for them to fix something if they can’t figure out how to replicate it.
  17. I'm not familiar with Reflect, but if you don't want to use any sort of cloud synching, you can use local WiFi sync, though that will require having another desktop instance of Enpass running in your local network. https://www.enpass.io/wifi-sync/ Alternately, you could set up a NAS and use that with WebDAV to serve as the central sync point.
  18. That’s not an Enpass-specific issue. That doesn’t work on the Mac with any third-party password manager. There’s no API at this point to add other managers to login prompts outside the browser (that I’ve been able to find). Developers can only support iCloud Keychain. Even the iCloud Keychain option was only recently added, in Monterey.
  19. So FaceID doesn’t work at all on your iPad or it just doesn’t work in Enpass? If it doesn’t work at all, have you tried setting up FaceID again from the settings app?
  20. Hi @Bustr, It might be worth re-reading your initial post, because you did not, at any point, say you were referring to logging into Enpass itself, just that you wanted to be able to view passwords as you typed them in. Hence my question. Pro tip: Try not to alienate people trying to help you. It will make it harder for you to get help in the future. Cheers!
  21. Actually, iCloud isn't ruled out. I use my iCloud vaults just fine on Windows. Dropbox is another option that works on a wide variety of platforms.
  22. Right now, with iOS 15, an extension isn't likely to fix this issue. It didn't with 1Password and their native extension. However, there are a lot of good reasons to move to a native iOS extension and perhaps a future version of iOS will allow for third party integrations like this.
  23. If your issue is that you feel you can’t get the V7 download, you can still access V7 from the “Using an older computer” section. For example, here: https://1password.com/downloads/windows/ or from here: https://app-updates.agilebits.com
  24. I think this is an iOS thing and not an Enpass thing. No password manager I have ever used on iOS has ever offered to save a new login from within other applications or Safari. iOS simple does not pass the needed details onto a password manager like it does on the desktop. The only way around it that I recall from 1Password was to use the browser (web) view from within 1Password to save a login, but as I recall, even this was hit-or-miss and it was awkward to use in practice. Perhaps a future major release of iOS will allow for third party password managers to receive login details like on the desktop, but who knows.
  25. You mean being able to see the password as you type it in to a new entry (like a login) within Enpass? You can view what you are typing or have typed already. Just click on the eye icon in any private field (like password) to see everything without obfuscation.
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