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  1. Amandeep, thank you for taking this feature request into consideration! I hope that it will be easy to implement, and eventually will end up on the Enpass backlog! (And for others who like this feature too, feel free to respond here with a short like or reply. Perhaps that may help moving it higher up the queue).
  2. Hi Amandeep, I'm afraid you misunderstood my question. I'm aware of that functionality, but that is not what I meant. I like to use Enpass as a password manager for applications, other than webbrowers. This is possible, for a long time on iOS, and recently I've noted that MacOS applications are also have to possibility to access a password manager other than the build-in KeyChain. Here is an example what I'm missing. The screenshot below an example of an Application asking me to log in. I have that account stored in Enpass, but it does not show up in MacOS. With the functional described in my post above, all Enpass passwords would be made available, and on iOS, this already works flawlessly. I would love this functionality to come to be available on MacOS too. Hope this clarifies my question. → Freek
  3. Hi, on iOS it is possible to set Enpass as the default password manager, so other apps use it too. This is done in Settings > Passwords > Password Options. (See screenshot) Is this possible on MacOS too? With Enpass 6.9.4 on MacOS 14.3.1, it does not show up in the Settings: I would love Enpass do have the same integration on MacOS as it has on iOS!!
  4. Hi, Autofill doesn't work for me on the form at https://mijn.freedom.nl/users/sign_in. When I try it, Enpass does add the correct username and password in the fields, but no other visible action is performed. Seemingly, the form is not submitted. In addition, after using the Enpass autofill, the form will no longer accept any input: clicking the "inloggen" (= "log in") button does not work. Only if I reload the page and fill in the same data manually, the form works as expected. I kind of suspect that some anti-bot feature is at play in this form. If you like to check what's going on with this form (and perhaps fix Enpass), I'd be very happy. I did create a temporary account here, with login enpass-test@macfreek.nl, if that helps in debugging this form (the form is from an small Internet provider, this is their settings page, I created a temporary mail box for you to test this form). For the password, use DM or ask me at freek@macfreek.nl (I'll reply only to employees with a @enpass.io mail address). Thanks, Freek
  5. Thanks for tracking this down to iframes and Enpass extension. I can confirm that this issue is not limited to Firefox; I have the same problem with Opera (which is a Chromium-based browser). And because of this issue, I can't fill in forms on a Jira ticketing system, which is frequently used in our organisation. (And yes, it took me, and some of the support staff some time too to trace it to a bug in the Enpass extension! This was a painful dent in the reputation of Enpass to me! ) Thanks for informing us about the workarounds. I have deactivated the Auto Fill Menu; The feature is nice, but I rather stay on a more robust software track instead of dealing with features that are released prematurely. (And if I sound grumpy, that's because I've been dealing with this issue for the last months and only now realised that Enpass is the source of these problems)
  6. I like to see a feature in Enpass, under audit, which lists all items that have an attribute of type "Expiry Date" whose date is: Within 3 weeks Within 3 months In an unknown format This would help me keep track of (bank) cards or (drivers) licenses (or any other item) that will expire soon, and that I have to act upon. Note: I am explicitly referring to attributes of type "Expiry Date", not type "Date" (which also exists). Also, the "unknown format" will help track down field that are in a format not understood by Enpass (since Enpass does not seem to do any input validation for these fields).
  7. I like to see a feature in Enpass, under audit, which lists all website address that still use `http://` instead of `https://`. Current workaround: search for "http://" and you will get these yourself. However, it would be nice to have these under audit.
  8. Hi Garima, thanks for listening to my rant, and taking the time to reply to it. I really appreciate that. The support was kind enough to provide a discount code to upgrade Pro to Premium, and I immediately bought the lifetime premium deal. I'm looking forward to continue to use Enpass.
  9. Allow me to first express gratitude for building a GREAT product. I really love Enpass! I especially love that you keep privacy serious, and allow me to be in full control of my data: I can use my own webdav server, and the haveIbeenpwnd database is checked locally, not remotely. So none of my passwords Unfortunately, also allow me to express my utter and outmost frustration with your pricing policy. Not because it's expensive (I actually think the previous Pro lifetime plan was too cheap, and made me worry that you could sustain your business long-term), but because it is as confusing as things can get. I'm using Enpass mostly on macOS, rarely on my iPhone, but got a message twice about an upgrade discount. Since I was doing another task at the time, I dismissed it at the time. When I had the time, I visited the Enpass app again, saw in my account settings that I am indeed a lifetime Pro account, but there was no option or information in that window to upgrade. I did check the Enpass.io website to be sure, and found out about the Premium licensing. However, there was no mentioned on Pro license, so I assumed that Pro lifetime and Premium lifetime license are the same things, and went on with my life. That is a missed sale. Today I got another such message, and finally found out that there is a difference between Pro and Premium: Premium adds in notifications of website Breaches and 2FA that are not enabled. Also, it seems that those features are only available for the iPhone (and I assume Android) app, but not on the macOS application. At least, I can't find it there. Though I don't use these features, I would love to have buy a Premium lifetime subscription at discount, since I don't mind supporting the Enpass team. However, I just checked, and there is no ability to upgrade to Premium lifetime from the MacOS Enpass application (at least I can't find it). There also doesn't seem to be a way to upgrade to Premium lifetime from the Website with a discount. There is a mention of this on https://www.enpass.io/pricing/#collapseFour, but that only seems to apply if you bought Enpass through the website, since it refers to a purchase email. Unfortunately, I have bought it through the Mac App Store at the time (I suspect because it was not possible to buy through the website at the time -this was before Enpass used subscription accounts-, since I ALWAYS prefer buying directly rather than the Mac App Store). I also tried to purchase the Premium lifetime through the iPhone app, and found out that I could by clicking on these features, but that only gives me the option to purchase a one-year subscription at a discount, not a lifetime premium. I really like Enpass, I really do, and I also don't mind paying once more for Enpass. However, I don't see how to get a lifetime premium with upgrade discount. *sigh*. I just emailed Enpass support. Sorry, I sent two mails, because it really took me a while to understand the options (again, it is only till today that I understand there is a difference between Pro and Premium!). Maybe they can help. Maybe they even use a bit of the money to improve their communications. The great Enpass software deserves that .
  10. I found the answer in the old thread below. (Scroll down in that thread for the URL, I can't post it here -- the forum software thinks I'm a spammer if I add that URL here)
  11. I have an old Mac mini next to my main computer, and like to install Enpass on this Mac. This Mac mini only support up to macOS 10.11, and Enpass 6.0.7 and up require macOS 10.12. So I like to install version 6.0.6. Is there a location where I can download Enpass 6.0.6 for macOS? The knowledge base article for older versions only mentions 5.x, not 6.0.6.
  12. Hi @Anshu kumar, any news on this issue?
  13. Sorry for the delayed reaction. I use the App Store version, since that's (unfortunately) the only way to activate the premium features. Screen resolution of one monitor is 2560x1600 pixels (MacBook Pro retina display), other display 1920x1080 pixels (normal external display). I did some more tests and I think it has to do with the "double" pixel resolution of retina displays of Apple: * The problem only occurs when moving a window from a Retina display to a regular display, or vice versa. If I connect two external monitors to my MacBook, and drag directly between those, all is fine. * I have another problem, with the look of the browser extension, where the resolution of the UI elements are either doubled in size, or halved in size. Here is a screenshot showing the issue. Unfortunately, I have not found a way to reproduce it every time, but it certainly helps to have a window with the Enpass extension open, at the moment the external monitor is connected, and hope that the OS moves the window to the newly connected monitor.
  14. I like to report a minor issue with Enpass 6.1.0 (though it likely was also present in 6.0.8) running on macOS 10.13.6. When I move the Enpass window from one monitor to a different monitor, the window is not drawn correctly, see screenshot. There is an easy workaround: resize the window, and it updates correctly.
  15. I can confirm that Enpass 5.6.11 indeed fixes this problem. Thanks!
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