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Autofill doesn't work on mijn.freedom.nl

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Autofill doesn't work for me on the form at https://mijn.freedom.nl/users/sign_in. When I try it, Enpass does add the correct username and password in the fields, but no other visible action is performed. Seemingly, the form is not submitted. In addition, after using the Enpass autofill, the form will no longer accept any input: clicking the "inloggen" (= "log in") button does not work. Only if I reload the page and fill in the same data manually, the form works as expected.

I kind of suspect that some anti-bot feature is at play in this form.

If you like to check what's going on with this form (and perhaps fix Enpass), I'd be very happy. I did create a temporary account here, with login enpass-test@macfreek.nl, if that helps in debugging this form (the form is from an small Internet provider, this is their settings page, I created a temporary mail box for you to test this form). For the password, use DM or ask me at freek@macfreek.nl (I'll reply only to employees with a @enpass.io mail address).



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