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BSD Support


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Hello! I've been using Enpass for several years now, across every computing platform I've had over the same amount of time. I'm currently moving two of my systems to OpenBSD and NetBSD, and I'm curious if there's any possibility of seeing a port of Enpass over to any of the BSD platforms.

I know FreeBSD has a Linux compatibility layer that allows most Linux packages to run, and I think NetBSD does as well (or at least it did) but OpenBSD for sure does not. I would assume if your code is as portable as it seems it shouldn't be a big deal to compile it on a BSD OS and see if anything's broken, but obviously being closed source nobody but you can even attempt that :). I also understand that the user pool is incredibly low, so there may not be an appetite for even attempting it.

I know Keepass is available on the platform (and every other platform I use) but I don't want to switch my setup up if I don't have to.

Thanks for your time!

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