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Directly copy item from the extension menu


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I would like to suggest to add several buttons to the extension menu.

It will be really nice that we could directly copy password/TOTP and email address in the extension menu instead of clicking information to access in a subpage.

The reason is that in some website autofill has some problems, with these buttons the workflow will be much better.

One of the example is Bitwarden's interface.

I'm aware of the shortcut, but it is not as handy as the buttons.


Edited by Elias
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This is a great feature request. Actually, you have to click on the entry in the Dock, then click on the "i" to expand that entry and here you are able to copy username, password and other things.

Maybe you could also think about being able to drag & drop username, password... into the fields of a website or an app from the Dock. I'm using 1Password for a long time now and this is a real good feature the have. ;) 

Edited by DenalB
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