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Desktop app will no longer sync to other devices


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I've had no trouble with syncing over iCloud Drive until today.  Earlier today I was forced to create a new password for my iCloud Drive account.  Now the Enpass app will not sync across my iPhone & iPad.  When I try to do a manual sync I get an error code - 1104009

Do I need to update the iCloud password in the Enpass app?  How is that done?

I tried disconnecting from iCoud Drive and reconnecting but I still get the error code.

Screen Shot 2021-11-15 at 12.02.17 PM.png

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David, if you changed your password, you need to refresh the token that Enpass uses. Disable synching and then re-enable it. Click Disconnect. Then tell Enpass to sync with iCloud again. It will prompt you to connect to the iCloud website to authenticate and generate the new token. If you are using Safari, When the browser loads the iCloud site, you will be prompted with a drop-down to automatically log into iCloud using the same account your Mac is currently logged in as. In this case, do not do that. This will bring up the standard iCloud login form. Check the box to remember your login and enter your iCloud account login details. This will ensure the token won't expire until you change your account password the next time.

Edited by Discordant
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