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Enpass Discussion Forum

Create Section Templates


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It would be great if you can also create custom templates not only for new entries but for sections in an existing entry. For example, when I get a new banking card, I want to save the new card number, expiring date and pin in one new section. Currently, I have to insert every new line manually instead of saving a template for banking cards and inserting it as a whole. Thus, it would also be helpful, if you could move whole, grouped sections and not just single lines. In general, a reworked editing interface with subsections etc. would be great. Thanks! 

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Hi @BleenPaper

Welcome to the Enpass Forums, and thank you for the suggestion.

You will be pleased to know that our development team is aware of this feature request and is looking into its feasibility so it may be implemented in the Enpass future versions. I have also duly noted your comment and shared it with the team as feedback. Appreciate your patience in the meantime!


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