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Enpass not working while using NordVPN on Windows 10 PC

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I am not able to use Enpass whenever I have a NordVPN tunnel open.  The browser extension in Microsoft edge does not work and when I open the Enpass app it indicates that it is unable to sync.  This is a recent development as I've been using NordVPN and Enpass for a couple of years now.  It defeats the purpose of using a VPN service while traveling and being able to access my passwords. 

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Hi @Ingrove

I will gladly help you with the issue you are facing. Please share the below details with me once, and I'll get this cheked -

  1. Version of the Enpass app and Extension you are using.
  2. The cloud server you are using to synchronize your data.
  3. Are you facing a similar issue with other browsers as well.
  4. A screenshot of any error occurring would be helpful.
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Thank you for your quick reply.

1.  Enpass version 6.7.4 (934), I can't find a version number for the extension, but I've attached a screenshot of the options.  I'm running this with Microsoft Edge browser Version 96.0.1054.41.  I believe everything is up to date and is the latest version.

2.  Cloud server is Microsoft Onedrive.  I'm not quite sure why Enpass needs to connect to the cloud server each time I need a password.

3.  Only using Microsoft Edge browser.

4.  Screenshots attached.

Thank you for your assistance with this.  As I mentioned in my original post this just started, don't know if it is related to a browser update.




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