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enpass in browser not the same as in windows 11 app


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Just noticed somethin weird today: when I login a website through the enpass firefox browser plugin, it doesn't have the same entry for tenere700 website as the windows 11 app.


See screenshot: the white window is my browser enpass plugin entry for tenere700. To the left is the windows 11 app.

The passwords are different and the name is not the same. Also in the windows 11 app there is no entry "Tenere700", only "Tenere700.net"

Does the plugin needs to sync with the main vault or what is going wrong here?



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Hi @deanso,

Thank you for writing to the Enpass Community Forums. 

I understand that extension is showing a different value than the app and I appreciate your efforts in sharing all the related details along with a screenshot. In order to assist you better, let me know if the issue occurs only with a specific item, if yes, perform the following steps:

  1. Open that item in the Enpass app.
  2. Check if the "Show Webform" option is there (as shown in the picture below). 
  3. Open webform.
  4. Check if any data is present in the fields.
  5. If yes, delete the Webform.
  6. Now check if the extension is still filling old values. 
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