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Unable to restore from Onedrive


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Hi, I installed the Enpass App onto my Macpro, I have connected to my email address, and have asked to restore from Onedrive, i get the following message, I don't know where to go from here, please help:

Error message:  Sorry, we could not find any previous Enpass 6 data on this account:

I have also tried to restore from onedrive before Enpass version 6.4, I get an Error 400.


Edited by AnnaM
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Hello - I also have this problem. I use Enpass on a Windows 10 Laptop which I upgraded to Enpass v 6.7.4 (933). I logged in successfully and can access my vault. 

I have just attempted to install Enpass on my Mac Mini using Monterey. After installing and trying to log in to OneDrive, I get exactly the errors show above in AnnaM's post. Is there a resolution for this?

Enpass Sync Error.png

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Hi @AnnaM& @Kerstin,

Thank you for reporting the presence of this issue. In order to resolve this issue, please perform the following steps and share the results:

  1. Firstly, take a manual backup of your data on all the devices.
  2. Secondly, disconnect the OneDrive sync from all your devices.
  3. Now, open OneDrive app/website → Go to App → Open Enpass folder → Select vault.enpassdbsync file → Rename it as oldvault.enpassbdsync.
  4. Try to reconnect the OneDrive sync on all the devices.
  5. If sync starts to work fine, you can delete the renamed old backup file from step 3.

If it does not help, please help me with the following details so that we can investigate it further:

  1. Have you recently changed your master password?
  2. Make sure the date & time are the same across the devices. 
  3. Let me know if you can access the OneDrive account and can see the Enpass folder there. 
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