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ブラウザ拡張機能を使おうとすると、「接続エラー! Enpass Assistantは、Enpass アプリと接続することができません。」と出てきます。





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Hi @TAA,

Welcome to the Enpass Community.

For quick trouble shooting I would recommend you to open Enpass app on your desktop and make sure these settings are enabled.

  • Open Enpass--> Go to Settings--> General--> Enable "Open Automatically at system startup".
  • Open Enpass--> Go to Settings--> Browser-->Enable "Browser extensions".

Also would recommend you to reinstall the Enpass extension to its latest version from here. If the problem persists, please let us know the following details so that we can help you better. 

  1. On which device (along with OS version) are you using Enpass? 
  2. The versions of your Enpass, Enpass extension and Browsers are you using? 
  3. Are you facing the same problem with other browsers too? 
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1.Windows10 Home 21H2

2.Enpass:6.7.4  EnpassExtension:6.7.4   Chrome:98.0.4758.102 Firefox:97.0.1 




Firefoxでは入力欄のところに「Click to unlock Enpass」 と表示されるのですが、クリックしても何も起こりません。


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In order to investigate this issue further please confirm the below mentioned details.

1. Enpass version ( Is it downloaded from Enpass website or windows store)?
2. Does Enpass have some database? 
3. Are you using any Antivirus or firewall?
4. Please enable the "Log" option from the Enpass Advanced settings if you are using the website version. Next, try making a connection with the Enpass extension --> when the error occurs, go to Advanced settings and copy the log and email it to us at support@enpass.io .


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