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Sync and more broken: MacOS 12.4 · 6.8.0 and 6.8.1 vom AppStore


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With version 6.8.0 the program always crashed within a few seconds. That is no longer the case with 6.8.1.  But other problems occurred: on my MacBook Pro M1, Enpass forgets the registry and all sync settings. If I register again, it will not be saved. Touch ID won't open. But if the settings aren't saved and the sync doesn't work, then it's unusable. A rollback to 6.7.4 solves all problems and it works properly again. Please accept the problems! Thanks.

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Hi @Ole,

Thank you for reporting the presence of this issue. I suspect it could be a permissions issue. Try on your Mac, choose the Apple menu -> System Preferences -> Click Security & Privacy -> Click Privacy -> Select Files and Folders -> Select the checkbox below an app to allow it to access files and folders in that location or you can add Enpass manually if needed. You may need to click the lock icon and authenticate before you can add or change any items listed there. Let me know if that helps. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't add Enpass manually. In past Versions this has not been necessary.

The error lies in the faulty update routine. The existing settings are not applied correctly and lead to errors. I don't understand why you don't test something like this properly! I don't get it.

The new version 6.8.2. has exactly the same problems:

1. Touch ID doesn't work. The query window appears, I put my finger on and still have to enter the password EVERY TIME.
2. Registration is missing: I have to re-enter the registration after the update. After exiting the app I have to do it again EVERY TIME. This can not be!
3. ALL vaults forgot the sync. I recreate the sync. When restarting the program: FORGOTTEN EVERYTHING AGAIN!

I don't understand what kind of quality management you have, but how can such a piece of shit be released?

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A complete deletion (with all files and settings) and reinstallation has now solved the problems here as well. This is the only possible solution, because unfortunately you are no help. Whether you don't want to or can't, I can't say.

But what remains to be said: Your update routine sucks and forces users like me - there are more of them - to put a lot of time into the new installation.

You can close all my tickets.
I hope that doesn't happen again!

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