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Using Enpass Business AND Enpass Personal simultaneously parallel at the same time together

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On 6/16/2022 at 1:01 PM, Abhishek Dewan said:

Hi @SecurepointIsAwesome

It is possible to use Enpass personal and Business vaults together. To add your Personal Vault in your Enpass business version, please select Add Personal Vault under Enpass Settings -> Vaults.


Thanks for the instruction. :)

I am using the personal Enpass version and do not see the two buttons you mentioned. Where may I add my business vault?



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Hi @SecurepointIsAwesome

Since you mentioned that you are using the personal Enpass version, you will need to first activate the Enpass Business version on the welcome screen of the Enpass app -


Once you have successfully activated Enpass for your Business, please refer to the steps I shared in my previous post to add your personal vault. You can also refer to this link for our handy guide on setting up Enpass for your Business.

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